Wegner (J.): 50 Jahre Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chronometrie 1949 - 1999 O/P. 100 pages, illus., 1999. A celebration and history of the first 50 years of the German clock and watch society with historical information and reprints of old papers and lectures. Very good copy, card covers. [German language] (Ref: K4770 - A2) in stock. Price: £10.00 |
Weiss (L.): A Few Notes on Watchmaking in England During the Reign of George III O/P. 33 pages, illus., 22 figs., no date. George III was a patron of the sciences and interested in horology. The major horological event during his reign was the development of the marine chronometer by Harrison, Mudge, Arnold and Earnshaw. Reprinted from an NAWCC Bulletin. Very good copy, paper covers. (Ref: K2992 - BX8) in stock. Price: £10.00 |
Welch Mfg. Co.: Catalogue of Superior American Clocks O/P. 64 pages. illus., recent reprint. A facsimile reprint of an original catalogue published in 1900 by the E. N. Welch Mfg. Co. The catalogue shows wall and table clocks as well as views of their old factory (destroyed by fire in 1899) and the new factory built in 1900. A fine copy, card covers. (Ref: K2989 - BX9) in stock. Price: £10.00 |
| Wely (B. van) et al: Sing Song: Schatten uit de Verboden Stad /Treasures from the Forbidden City NEW. 192 pages, illustrated in colour, 2010. A good catalogue of an exhibition of 19 clocks from the Chinese Imperial Collection of the Forbidden City, held in Utrecht from October 2010 to February 2011. As well as the descriptions and illustrations of the clocks there are six scholarly essays on - The Sing Song Trade; The Sing Song Makers; Sing Song Design; The Emperor's Taste; The Collection of Quanlong and the Sing Song Restoration. With paper wrapper. [Dutch language with English and Chinese summaries] (Ref: N2397) in stock. Price: £22.00 |
Wendel (S.): Datenspeicher-Musikinstrumente / Data Storage Musical Instruments / Instruments de Musique à Programme Pré-Enregistré O/P. 265 pages plus adverts, illus., 2002. A history of self-playing musical instruments (music boxes, barrel organs, pianolas, orchestrions, etc) with illustrations and descriptions of the instruments in Siegfried's Mechanisches Musikkabinett - a specialist museum in Germany. A fine copy. [German, English and French languages] (Ref: K3120 - L3) in stock. Price: £40.00 |
Wenham (E.): Old Clocks for Modern Use O/P. 174 pages, 1st edition, 1951. Chapters on old clocks and reproductions of old clocks. (Ref: K323 - G5) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Wetzel (C.): Prix Courant 1899 O/P. 40 pages, illus., 1899. A priced catalogue of pocket watches issued by Charles Wetzel, Morteau, Doubs, France. A good copy for its age, most pages with coffee stain, paper covers worn and stained. [French language] (Ref: K3338 - BX17) in stock. Price: £25.00 |
| White (G.): English Lantern Clocks O/P. 539 pages, 8 colour plates and lots of b&w illustrations, 1st and only edition, 1989. A very large and comprehensive work which has become the standard reference book on English lantern clocks. This is the essential book on the subject and all lantern clock enthusiasts need a copy. The book covers styles and development of lantern clocks in London and the provinces in great detail and has lots of information about how to spot conversions, alterations and fakes. A fine copy of a rare book with fine dust jacket.
* Automatic 10% discount at the checkout on this book *
(Ref: K724 - N3) in stock. Price: £345.00 |
| White (G.): English Lantern Clocks O/P. 539 pages, 8 colour plates and lots of b&w illustrations, 1st and only edition, 1989. A very large and comprehensive work which has become the standard reference book on English lantern clocks. This is the essential book on the subject and all lantern clock enthusiasts need a copy. The book covers styles and development of lantern clocks in London and the provinces in great detail and has lots of information about how to spot conversions, alterations and fakes. A very good copy of a rare book, with very good dust jacket.
* Automatic 10% discount at the checkout on this book *
(Ref: K1252 - T1) in stock. Price: £295.00 |
White (G.): The Sundial - Sine Sole Sineo O/P. 6 pages, illustrated, 2010. [Sine Sole Sineo - 'Without the Sun I am Silent']. A good article on sundials and their history, with photographs of some unusual dials. Contained in an issue of the SPAB magazine. (Ref: K3727 - E4) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
White (G.): Toys * Dolls * Automata: Marks & Labels O/P. 240 pages, figures, reprinted 1985. A very useful book for identifying makers and date of manufacture from makers marks and trademarks found on the products. A good copy with good dust jacket. (Ref: K2946 - L2) in stock. Price: £8.00 |
| White (I.): Watch and Clock Makers in the City of Bath O/P. 159 pages, more than 60 b&w illustrations, 1996. A history of clock and watch making in Bath from 1700 to 1900, with a detailed listing and information about all known Bath makers and examples of their work. A fine copy of the hardback edition, with fine dust jacket. Only 50 copies of the hardback edition were printed and are now very hard to find.
***Automatic 10% discount at the checkout on this book***
(Ref: K2175 - N2) in stock. Price: £135.00 |
| White (I.): Watch and Clock Makers in the City of Bath O/P. 159 pages, more than 60 b&w illustrations, 1996. A history of clock and watch making in Bath from 1700 to 1900, with a detailed listing and information about all known Bath makers and examples of their work. Only 250 copies of this book were printed and it is now very hard to find. A very good copy, card covers.
***Automatic 10% discount at the checkout on this book***
(Ref: K955 - G3) in stock. Price: £110.00 |
Whitelock (B.): Timepieces of Newcastle O/P. 66 pages, illustrated, 1992. A book about the public clocks in Newcastle upon Tyne, plus notes on some of the clockmakers and a few sundials. A very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K2094 - C3) in stock. Price: £9.00 |
| Whiten (A.J.): Repairing Old Clocks & Watches NEW. 280 pages, 274 figures, reprinted 2014. This book, written by a serious amateur restorer for other amateurs, is a sympathetic guide which will stimulate and inspire; the author has learnt from experience, you can learn from him. With dust jacket. (Ref: N507) in stock. Price: £20.00 |
Whiten (A.J.): Repairing Old Clocks & Watches S/H. 280 pages, 275 figures, reprinted 1982. This book, written by a serious amateur restorer for other amateurs, is a sympathetic guide that will stimulate and inspire; the author has learnt from experience, you can learn from him. A very good copy (small inscription inside front cover) with very good dust jacket. (Ref: K932 - F6) in stock. Price: £7.00 |
Whitrow (G.J.): Time in History - Views of Time from Prehistory to the Present Day O/P. 217 pages, 1988. The evolution of our awareness of time and how it has been perceived by various civilisations throughout history. A good copy with good dust jacket. (Ref: K1990 - C2) in stock. Price: £6.00 |
Whitrow G.J.: What is Time? O/P. 170 pages, figs., 2003. An exploration of the nature of time, how our ideas of time originated and how time has been measured from the sundial to the caesium clock. Paperback. (Ref: K3741 - Q1) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Whyte (D.): Scottish Clocks & Watch Makers 1445 - 1900 NEW. 84 pages + 4 pages illustrating watch papers, 1996. A concise listing of Scottish makers. A very good, copy covers. (Ref: K2403 - J1) in stock. Price: £9.00 |
Wiggin (Henry & Co.): The Nilo Series of Controlled Expansion Alloys O/P. 8 pages, 2 figs., 2 tables, [ 1952 ]. Nilo 36 (36% nickel, 64% iron) is usually referred to as invar. Good copy, card covers. (Ref: K4749 - BX6) in stock. Price: £5.00 |