Viennese Clockmakers and What They Left Us

Author: F.H. van Weijdom Claterbos

336 pages, 82 figs.

The main purpose of this book is to present the existing information about Viennese clockmakers in an easy accessible manner.

Because interest in English speaking countries is very lively, the book includes a 'dictionary' in which English translations can be found for the words used in the original German texts.

The book starts with a few introductory chapters, in which the author gives the reader some background information on Viennese clockmakers and their products. In the last chapter he enlarges to some extent on the Viennese regulators, in an effort to make available information which so far could not be found anywhere in clock literature.

Most illustrations have been photographed by the author. No efforts were made to give a representative series; on the contrary, a deliberate try was made to include a wide selection of pictures on the Viennese regulator, and many clock-friends, even when not needing the important list of clockmakers, will like the book because of this series of photographs, the first of its kind to appear in a book!